Marc Luyckx Ghisi
Towards a New Civilization
ERA Convention, “Sustainability as an Opportunity”, Rome, 03-04 June 2015
The Soul of Europe
Economic and Social Committee, April 23, 2015
Sustainable Post Capitalism
European Parliament April 9, 2014
Crucial Importance of Women Leadership in the Knowledge Society
JUMP, May 2011
Digital Transformation of EU and World Economy
Education in 2020 ?
CFORP, Ottawa, July 2011
Critique of the Knowledge Economy Concept
UNESCO, March 1, 2010
This Post Capitalist Economy is Possibly Sustainable
Tedx Brussels, 2010
The Citizens and the Transition
BNP Parisbas, on 22 May 2009
Towards a New Civilization
GDF, June 5
"Y" Generation ... Ahead in the Change?
New Trends in Management Education in Eastern Europe
Dean Cotrugli Business Academy, Zagreb, Croatia
HR and New Management 2016
Symptoms of a New Level of Consciousness
AVI, Osnabruek May 1, 2008
By others:
The Art of Being and Loving: Educating for the World of Tomorrow
Dr Irena Ateljevic,
Environmental Science, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2009
Auroville's main message for the 21° century
Conference for AVI Germany in Leipzig June 2017